The purpose of asana, or the physical practice, in yoga is to ready your body for sitting meditation.
Meditation used to be my least favorite part of yoga. I heard many people rant and rave about the practice, and all of the benefits that came along with it. But to me the thought of sitting in the same position for a long period of time seemed like torture, and I was fearful of silence for too long.
As my asana and pranayama practice has grown so has my meditation. I now find myself loving and craving it; It really allows my mind to be cleansed and purified from all the distractions in daily life.
Through mediation I become an observer of my mind, like an outsider looking in to my own thoughts. As my mind goes blank, I look into my third eye and feel my intuition, finding control to my reactions and awareness to what is really going on inside. Answers can truly be found in silence, but you won't find them unless you try first.
Here are some tips and tricks I have learned through my journey of meditation that will hopefully help you on your journey. Take what you need, and leave behind what you don't to find your own inner peace.